16 Year Old Aspiring Fashion Design Student Talks Us Through A Visit To The Gucci Museum Florence

designers Jul 07, 2016

Not only is Florence home to some of the greatest artworks in the world, it’s also home to one of the greatest designers in the world; Gucci. When Tollydollyposh was in Florence, she was lucky enough to be able to have a tour around the Gucci museum which is an archive from the beginning, right up to recent collections.

It explores the story of Guccio Gucci and is honestly a breathtaking display. You can get rather up close and personal with the designs too. 

This is a brilliant example of a student who has taken her time and effort to do some well thought out and well planned research towards her goal of being a designer of the future, so I thought I’d give you a little glimpse…You can see her full post here.

Research is a key part of the design process and a skill that all designers must master. If you want to learn about how to do fashion research then take our course. More details here.



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