Isaac Mizrahi and His Sources of Inspiration

Fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi spins through a dizzying array of inspirations. He takes it from surprisingly varied places, anywhere from '50s pinups to a fleeting glimpse of a woman on the street who makes him shout "Stop the cab!"

This short video will give you ideas for capturing your own inspirations.

As you watch the video take a note paper and jot down anything that you find useful.

Reflection Questions

Here are a few questions to reflect on to make the mostĀ of the clip and what Isaac has to say.Ā 

  1. What are the sources of inspiration he mentions?
  2. How does he find these sources inspire him?
  3. How could this apply to you?
  4. What is theĀ key message you have taken from this designer's experience?



Never Run Out Of Ideas for Your Designs

One of the key steps in the design process is research. So it makes sense that if a designer masters the art of research then they will always be able to draw upon a rich mixture of valuable material to help inspire them, evolve th...

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Why You Can Copy Anybody's Design and Get Away With It

creativity innovation Sep 15, 2017

Did you know that you can copy any item of clothing by any designer and it's perfectly legal? Designers have trademark protection, but no copyright protection and no patent protection to speak of. All they have, really, is trademark protection, and so it means that anybody could copy any garment on any person and sell it as their own design.

The only thing you can not do is copy brand logos and trademarks.

Johanna Blakley who studies the impact of mass media and entertainment on our world shares some really interesting perspectives in her Ted talk. She says the copyright laws that grip film, music and software industries hardly touches the fashion industry ... and fashion benefits in both innovation and sales. In her talk, she talks about what all creative industries can learn from fashion's free culture.

Reflection Questions

Here are a few questions to reflect on to make the mostĀ of the clip and what Johanna has to say.Ā 

  1. Why does the fashion industry have no copyright laws on f
  2. ...
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