Top 10 Tips For Cutting Fabrics Accurately And Efficiently

fabrics skills tips Nov 11, 2016

Here's a simple guide on how to cut fabric. For seasoned students, you'll hopefully have remembered these from college. But for those of you new to the technique these tips will guide you so you cut accurately and efficiently every time avoiding costly mistakes such as wasted time and fabrics.

Here you go then:

  1. Always lay your fabric on a table or cutting mat on the floor. A table is best as it's better for your back and comfort. Make sure you can access all sides of the table to reach the fabric.
  2. Use and iron if necessary to iron out any wrinkles and creases so your fabric is flat. Make sure you then align the straight and cross grains exactly so they are perpendicular. If your pattern pieces are wrinkled you can use an iron to flatten them too.
  3. If your fabric has a directional print or nap (like velvet or corduroy), pay extra attention to how you’re laying out your pattern pieces so every piece is facing the right direction. It all need to match up. The same principle goes when
  4. ...
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100 Of The Best Inspiring Fashion Quotes

free stuff inspiration Oct 10, 2016

Have you ever wondered why quotes are so popular? Why is it that fashion quotes or any other type of quote get re-Tweeted and pinned so often?  

We have our theory. We think it's because they express what we know, think, feel, believe, accept as true, imagine, hope, fear, dream of, desire, and acknowledge, as being concrete and true. Often we connect with the quote because of our own experiences of life.

Quotes are often easy to remember because they rhyme or are simple to memorise. Sometimes they motivate and inspire us to take action or to think differently.

Often or not the ones that really connect with us do so at an emotional level where they tug at our heart strings and move us.

Get Your Free Inspirational Fashion Quotes Today

So we've put together a list of 100 inspiring fashion quotes that you can have delivered to your email inbox . You can collect these and save the ones that really trigger some emotional pulse in you. Print them off and pin them to your wall. Or save ...

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10 Ways To Prepare For Your Fashion Design Course

Don't Go Blindfolded

So you've finally got accepted to a fashion course at university or art school. You now have a few months before your course begins and then you'll be wrapped up in the freshers weeks and settling into your studies and life away from everything you've been used to so far in your life. Making the most of your course depends on your attitude toward your studies and what you aim to achieve as much as t does to the quality of the fashion course offered.

The best applicants are those who are equipped with the basic skills and knowledge to succeed from their first day of fashion school. They don't start their course as if blindfolded. They've already prepared themselves as much as they can.

When you get to know as much about your program and college as yu can before you attend for the first day will allow you to sail through the course orientation basics, such as classroom location, facilities etc. 

Here are our top 10 tips for fashion course students taken from inte...

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Fashion Industry Secrets As Revealed By Alexa Chung And British Vogue

Watch the full-length documentary by Alexa Chung for British Vogue. She's guided by questions from the viewing public from all over the world.  Alexa investigates the fashion industry for you from the inside out. Rather than

Rather than a world that is frivolous, elitist and unprofitable, Alexa explains and proves to us that as an art form, an industry and most of all as a career choice, fashion can be underrated and holds masses of opportunity for anyone who wants to get involved.

This is a great documentary for anyone interested in working in the fashion industry.


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The Future Of Clothing

Watch this film to learn all about the future of our clothing by some of the world's most innovative fashion design companies on the planet to get their opinion on clothing and its future, including: heroes of sustainability, Patagonia; tech-clothing giants, Studio XO; sportswear icon, adidas; and Biocouture, a consultancy exploring living organisms to grow clothing and accessories.


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16 Year Old Aspiring Fashion Design Student Talks Us Through A Visit To The Gucci Museum Florence

designers Jul 07, 2016

Not only is Florence home to some of the greatest artworks in the world, it’s also home to one of the greatest designers in the world; Gucci. When Tollydollyposh was in Florence, she was lucky enough to be able to have a tour around the Gucci museum which is an archive from the beginning, right up to recent collections.

It explores the story of Guccio Gucci and is honestly a breathtaking display. You can get rather up close and personal with the designs too. 

This is a brilliant example of a student who has taken her time and effort to do some well thought out and well planned research towards her goal of being a designer of the future, so I thought I’d give you a little glimpse…You can see her full post here.

Research is a key part of the design process and a skill that all designers must master. If you want to learn about how to do fashion research then take our course. More details here.



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Some Top Tips You Will Need To Know If You Wish To Pursue A Career As A Fashion Designer.

careers university Jul 06, 2016

It is important to realise that pursuing a career in fashion design is much more rigorous than you might be aware.

Often when young teens think about taking a career in fashion design, they see it portrayed as being very glamourous by popular culture, and many can’t help but refer to reality shows on TV, which certainly do not show what is actually required from ‘serious’ design students.

This blog post gives a few important realistic pointers of what you can expect of life as a fashion designer, certainly starting out in your career.

What Does An Average Day At Fashion School Or University Entail?

Most days will be structured around a curriculum and you will be working towards this during your time at college or university. You will be expected to get to your classes on time, and will go to lots of lectures and lessons on different aspects of fashion and design.

Drawing skills are a must and you will do loads of sketching, make patterns and muslins, fit them on models, and learn ...

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12 Tips On How To Be A Fashion Designer Without A Degree

careers Jul 01, 2016

If you have always wanted a career as a fashion designer but either cannot afford to go to University, or just don't want to spend three to four years at college before doing so, don’t be disheartened as a degree is not required to break into the profession.

If you really have a raw talent, you are willing to work hard and you have picked up the basic skills necessary to secure an entry-level position in the fashion industry, there's a good chance you'll be able to make it without a degree!

A great example of a designer who went from a New York staple to fashion legend, as he took the lofty reins as the creative director at Balenciaga, was Alexander Wang. Wang was actually a Parson’s Fashion School of Design dropout!

Many of today’s renowned designers DO have degrees but often in entirely different areas. Commes des Garçons designer Rei Kawakubo studied art and literature and Raf Simons was on his way to becoming an industrial furniture designer. While the Prada family had been in t...

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What Is A Fashion Designer, And What Do They Actually Do?

careers Jul 01, 2016

Fashion designers create all the clothing and accessories in the world purchased every year by consumers. Fashion designers study fashion trends, design all the clothing and accessories, pattern cut, select colours and fabrics, make up or oversee the final production of their designs. 

Fashion designers work extremely hard and need to be good at working with teams of people. As a young designer into the industry you will often work in a supporting role to the head designers as you learn the basics of the industry and become accustom to your trade.

This design process from design concept to final production takes many months.

As a young designer you will need to learn how researching current fashion trends and make predictions of future trends. Sometimes you will need to do your own research while other times you will learn how to use trend reports published by fashion industry trade groups. Trend reports let you know what styles, colours and fabrics will be popular for a certain se...

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19 Year Old Designer's Entrepreneurial Spirit Helps Her

designers illustration Jun 17, 2016

Fresh from her days at the London College of Fashion, 19-year-old Leeds-native Megan St Clair Morgan is anything but your normal recent graduate. 

And because we were so impressed by her cool watercolors and fun fluid lines, we jumped at the opportunity to share this article with you —and we’re so glad we had the chance to show you her talents!

Read on for inspiration

Photo courtesy of

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